DIY: Simple Branch Ball Garland

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Several weeks ago I shared some inspiration for pretty and unique garlands (here). I planned on creating at least one, but that still hasn’t happened. Instead, I got distracted and randomly made one of my own. In my endless cleaning out mode, I came across a package of vase filler that I never used. It had multiple things in it; among them, some branch/rattan/twig balls. I also found a few that I had bought separately years ago and never used. So, I decided to finally put them to use.

Not Painted Branch Balls

The branch balls were several different colors that weren’t working well together for me. So, I chose to spray paint them. I have quite a stash of spray paint on hand, so I just chose some of the colors that I had.

Spray Paint

Painted Branch Balls

Once I got all of the rattan balls painted (it might’ve taken me over a week to finally finish them), I brought them inside and laid them out in the order I wanted them strung. Then I got some twine and and pulled it through each ball to make a garland.

Black & White Twine

Branch Ball Garland on Gold Clip Headboard

If you don’t have random branch balls stored somewhere like I did, here are a couple of options – small* and large*. Or these sparkly ones* would be beautiful not painted…super easy!

What I’d do different if I did it again:

  • I wouldn’t use twine. It unraveled too easily and kept getting snagged trying to slide the twig balls through it. I might would try jute, ribbon, or suede. I might even redo mine with an alternate string.
  • I would tie a simple knot on each branch ball so that it wouldn’t slide. At first, I thought it would be nice to be able to move them, but because they moved it caused a big tangled mess every time I tried to move the garland.

Branch Ball Garland on White Shelf in Living Room


*This denotes an affiliate link. Hope you enjoy this item or find one you like even better!

Living: Fall Related

Happy Saturday! My husband and dog are napping (I’m guilty too…just woke up 🙂 ), so I’m taking a few minutes to share some of my favorite little things from the past few weeks — all Fall related.

China cabinet - Fall

I finally got around to bringing some of my limited Fall decor inside (from the attic). I love Fall, and when I have a house more conducive to additional decorations, I will probably purchase more. For now, I just like to stick Fall stuff in places that don’t require me moving what’s already there…like placing that small pumpkin on my stack of china plates, hanging the Halloween sign on the cabinet door, and putting the Fall sign (that I hope to wrap with yarn at some point) on the hutch.

Owl pillow in desk chair

I love the vibrant Fall colors in this vintage pillow that a friend so graciously gifted me a few years back. The pillow actually stays out year round, but I moved it to this cozy little spot so it stands alone for the Fall season.

Desk corner

I recently decided to put a desk in the living room. It’s in the front corner of our house so you can look out the front window…something I enjoy. I still have some stuff I want to do in this area, but for the time being I put a bare lamp shade on a lamp I love and added a picture frame (with a pic to remind me of cooler weather) and a fox candle.

Fall Chalkboard

A year ago I wrote “Happy Fall” on this chalkboard. That was the only thing I ever wrote on it until I changed it this week. Don’t worry, the chalkboard hasn’t been displayed since last year (at least mostly not), so no one has been confused sitting in my house in 100 degree weather wondering what kind of autumn they’re living in. And now, I really think I’ve inspired myself to change it more often. I’m proud to say I did this free hand with regular chalk and didn’t completely copy it from somewhere (I used this art as inspiration).

Luggage Tags

The colors of these luggage tags looked like Fall when I laid them out on the table after purchasing them. So, I snapped a pic. I was excited to find these for $1.00 each at Walmart (the last time I went in there was when I bought the fox mug I shared here). All the other luggage tags I want are always usually 5 or 6 bucks. So, I felt like this was a deal!

Coffee Corner

This is my little coffee station. It has undergone numerous changes…even a few since I took this picture earlier this week. It’s one of those spots that I can’t seem to figure out how I want everything. Especially what goes on the wall (at one point last year, the “Happy Fall” chalkboard hung here). I guess I’ll just keep trying. At least the coffee is good.


I don’t ever remember loving apples. But after I ate one a few weeks ago at my grandparents’, I’ve been really enjoying them. Now, I want to go apple picking!

My Favorite Quotes from Catalyst 2014

Catalyst Atlanta blew my mind last week. I think I left feeling more challenged than I ever have. And I think that was in part due to the fact that the challenge to be a CHANGE MAKER was real. It was presented in such a way that I felt like I could leave and actually take on the challenge. Start where I’m at.

Here are just a few little snippets (some of my personal favorites) of just some of the amazing stuff we heard. (I didn’t put anything in quotations because I’m not sure if they are exact quotes or not.)


+ Until we change ourselves, we will never change our world. | Christine Caine

+ You won’t be able to change the world, the church, anything if you don’t change yourself. | Tim Keller

+ Limited resources are not an excuse. They are a pathway to our creativity. | Craig Groeschel

+ As long as we are looking for loophole s in our faith we lose all credibility to speak to culture. | Andy Stanley

+ The church must stop expecting outsiders to act like insiders when insiders are acting like outsiders. | Andy Stanley

+ Comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God’s call on your life. | Robert Madu

+ God has given you everything you need to reach every person He wants you to reach. | Craig Groeschel

+ Some things aren’t safe for God to give you until you’ve prayed about them and the things surrounding them. | Tim Keller

+ The pathway to your greatest potential is often through your greatest fear. | Craig Groeschel

+ Stop complaining to the Master about the pieces you didn’t get, and praise God for making you a masterpiece. | Robert Madu

+ God sometimes guides by what He withholds; if we have what we want, we may not see what He wants us to see. | Craig Groeschel

+ We must refute the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s Word. | Christine Caine

+ Don’t blame yourself for the declines because then you will be tempted to credit yourself with the increase. | Craig Groeschel

+ If you’re going to reach people nobody’s reaching, you’ve got to do things nobody’s doing. | Craig Groeschel

+ We are wired for love; we learn fear. | Dr. Caroline Leaf

+ The degree to which we are free and healed is the degree to which we will lead people into freedom and wholeness. | Christine Caine

+ When we choose life and build life into our brains, this impacts how we function in our spirit, soul, and body. | Dr. Caroline Leaf

+ The screens of social media have become mirrors by which we measure ourselves to others. “Mirror, mirror on Facebook, tell me how I should look.” “Mirror, mirror on Instagram, tell me who I really am.” | Robert Madu

+ The challenge is to run YOUR race, stay in YOUR lane, and keep your eyes fixed on JESUS. | Robert Madu

+ The reason the church isn’t reaching the world today is because it’s too busy keeping Christians on life support. | Christine Caine

+ We need to do more than lean in and survive; we need to thrive and proclaim Jesus alive! | Christine Caine


Some of these quotes are from my notes. Some are a product of searching the hashtag #catalyst14 on Twitter since I knew I didn’t remember half of the spoken gems we received.

Quick Mushy Gushy Hubby Thoughts


I wrote this note in a stream of consciousness mode this past Wednesday. Decided to share it today.

I’m sitting in the Atlanta airport while my husband has been waiting in a terribly long line for our rental car. Upon his suggestion to sit down, I did, and it reminded me once again how blessed I am to have him. It was a little thing for him to suggest that I sit down while he continued standing. But the little things are what consistently make the biggest impact with me. The bin of cough drops, Vapo rub (haha), crackers, etc after he witnessed one of my first allergy episodes several years back, Anne of Green Gables on DVD because I nonchalantly told him about how I wore the videos out as a kid, my favorite M&M doozies from Rouse’s because he wants me to get fat just wants to make me happy, a kiss on the forehead just because, the sweetest random texts telling me why he loves me, and this cute bin of goodies from Target because I went home to Bossier by myself for a few days last week. Not only do the gifts/gestures mean a lot simply for what they are, but he has also taken time to listen to what I love, truly thinks about it, and gets it right. I’m so thankful God listened to my probably not near frequent enough prayers for my future husband. I’m the luckiest (favored) gal!